Home Day trips Explore Montebello in a quiet, eco-friendly ATV

Explore Montebello in a quiet, eco-friendly ATV

by Laura Byrne Paquet
Published: Updated: 5.7K views

Our vehicle for the day looked like a souped-up golf cart. Canary yellow, the electric ATV was plugged into a power outlet when my daughter Stephanie and I first saw it. Rémi Tremblay, owner of Camp Explora in Montebello, Quebec, unplugged our ride and reminded us to put on the giant helmets he’d given us, which made us look a bit like lumberjack astronauts.

helmets on, stephanie and i were ready for adventure at camp explora in montebello.

Helmets on, Stephanie and I were ready for adventure at Camp Explora in Montebello.

We were off on an adventure like nothing I’d ever tried before: a 90-minute (or so we thought) scavenger hunt/history lesson in the wooded hills surrounding the Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello resort. It’s an unusual, clever concept: each ATV team of two to four people gets an iPad preloaded with a route along rocky trails and rural roads. Along the way, you hunt for clues, each of which leads you to the next spot. Stephanie, our family’s resident iPad queen, took on the role of navigator, while I clambered into the driver’s seat. Actually, we didn’t have much choice on that score, as you have to be at least 21 to get behind the wheel.

ipad in hand, stephanie navigated us along rural trails.

iPad in hand, Stephanie navigated us along rural trails.

After a brief tutorial on operating the little car safely, we raced—well, puttered, as the vehicle’s recommended top speed is 27 km/h—off into the woods.

The first hour went pretty well. We easily followed about 15 of our 27 clues, which took us past the resort’s golf course and among vintage cottages, some dating back to the 1930s. Along the way, we learned about everything from Bing Crosby to the Canadian Olympic ski team. We also learned a lot about the Seigniory Club, a one-time retreat for the rich and famous that eventually became Le Chateau Montebello.

I got the hang of guiding the lightweight little car over tree roots and boulders, while not drenching us too much as we sloshed through early spring puddles. (The vehicles are quite open, by the way, so if it’s a wet day, bring head-to-toe rain gear.)

one of my first tasks was to drive the atv over a tiny wooden bridge. breathe in, everyone!

One of my first tasks was to drive the ATV over a tiny wooden bridge. Breathe in, everyone!

After about an hour, though, we lost our touch. Try as we might, we simply could not find one particular trail. No matter which way we turned, the iPad gave us the disappointing news: “Cold.” “Colder.” In the process, we trundled past two young kids playing in a yard. The first time, they waved. The second time, they smirked. The third time—after we had called Tremblay to come to our rescue and redirect us—they openly laughed at us.

early in the trip, we had helpful signs. those might have come in handy when we got extremely lost!

Early in the trip, there were helpful signs. Those might have come in handy when we got extremely lost!

By this point, the drizzle that had dogged us all day had turned into full-blown rain, and the dashboard meter showing how much juice we had left was indicating a figure perilously close to zero. That wasn’t a problem, except for my pride; if we’d actually run out of power, Tremblay had reassured us he’d come back to save us. However, we did manage to make it back to Camp Explora’s base with the battery—and our dignity—preserved.

Would I recommend it to others? Absolutely—it was a fascinating hoot, especially for families. Just check your ego at the door.

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If you go

Distance from Ottawa: 75km

Information: Camp Explora

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