Home Day trips Petrie Island: A great summer evening spot in Ottawa for nature lovers

Petrie Island: A great summer evening spot in Ottawa for nature lovers

by Laura Byrne Paquet
Published: Updated: 6K views

OK, so I’d driven by the sign for Petrie Island umpteen times. People had told me it was a pretty place, but even though I’ve lived in Ottawa for 35 years, I’d never set foot on it.

Finally, on a sunny-but-not-scorching evening a couple of weeks ago, after a quick trip to Orleans, I decided to follow Trim Road to its northern end and see where it led me. And I’m so glad I did.

Petrie Island or Petrie Islands?

If you want to get technical, this 12,000-year-old, two-kilometre-long landmass is a group of islands. So I guess it should be Petrie Islands. But no one calls it that—not even the Friends of Petrie Island, the volunteer group that helps preserve and protect this pretty spot.

Hit the beach

If you like beach sunsets, this is your place. Petrie Island has not one, not two, but three sandy beaches on the Ottawa River. Two are run by the City of Ottawa, while the small westernmost one is maintained by the Friends of Petrie Island.

You have to swim with caution, as the island is downriver of both Ottawa and Gatineau, with all the contamination problems that situation can cause—especially after a rainstorm. (To check the water quality on any given day, go to the City of Ottawa’s Beach Water Quality Results page.) During the summer (from June 16 to August 26 in 2018), the two City of Ottawa beaches are staffed by lifeguards daily from noon until 7pm. Note that there are no change rooms, so wear your bathing suit under your clothes if you don’t fancy changing in the public washrooms.

The day I was on Petrie Island, lots of kids were still splashing happily in the water in the early evening. Boaters were making good use of the river, too. But since I hadn’t brought a bathing suit (or a watercraft), I stuck to dry land—and there was still plenty to see.

Volleyball, anyone?

A few games of beach volleyball were winding up as I arrived. Sporty types can rent volleyball nets and standup paddle-boards from the lifeguard office, if they are so inclined. I was not so inclined, due to the aforementioned lack of bathing suit and similar lack of 11 other potential volleyball players.

Instead, I strolled along the beach and half-imagined I was somewhere tropical. Sound far-fetched? Check out this photo and you’ll see I’m not being unreasonable. On the pier in the distance, kids and instructors were practising martial arts.

sunset over petrie island in orleans (ottawa).

I kept walking and discovered a 7km network of nature trails maintained by the Friends of Petrie Island. I didn’t go far, as dusk was approaching, but I still found a turtle pond (didn’t spot the turtles, alas), flowers, driftwood, fishermen and a few of the 131 species of birds that have been logged here (including ducks, a heron and lots of songbirds).

This is the turtle pond, which also seems to be home to quite a few frogs, judging by the symphony of croaking I heard.
Does anyone know what these pretty flowers are? I’m terrible at identifying plants and trees, but when I ran a query on this photo in a phone app I love (Pl@ntNet), it suggested this might be bindweed. Do you agree? If so, let me know in the comments!
I learned from my Facebook friends that this is milkweed, beloved by butterflies. That makes me like it even more.

So, long story short: If you’re in Orleans and craving nature and river views, head down Trim Road. You won’t be sorry. Say hi to the turtles for me, if you see them.

If you go

Petrie Island is a 23km drive northeast of Parliament Hill (as measured on Google Maps).

From downtown Ottawa, take Highway 417 east to the Split, then continue east on Highway 174 until the divided highway ends at Trim Road. At that intersection, turn left (north) and follow Trim Road to the end. You’ll pass a small parking lot on the road in, but keep going; the big public parking lot is at the very end of the road.

Parking costs $0.50 for 30 minutes, or $2 for five hours, between 7am and 6pm, seven days a week. It’s free outside of those hours.

Bring sunscreen, bug spray, a book, a camera, a bathing suit, closed-toe shoes (for the nature trails), binoculars, a volleyball, a canoe and/or a kayak, plus a picnic or money for canteen snacks.

Leave your canine buddy at home; dogs aren’t permitted anywhere on the island for conservation reasons.

Like any wooded area in Ottawa, you should take precautions to avoid ticks if you are walking on the nature trails.

For extensive details about the human and natural history of the island, check out the excellent Friends of Petrie Island website.

For information on the beaches, volleyball net and standup paddle board rentals, lifeguard hours, the canteen and more, see the City of Ottawa’s swimming and beaches website.

Oziles’ Marina, on Trim Road just south of Petrie Island, rents out canoes, kayaks, rowboats, standup paddle-boards and pedal boats.

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