If you’ve been following this website for a while, you’ll know that I used to be a fairly regular contributor to the Day Tripping column in the travel section of The Ottawa Citizen. Alas, at the end of 2016, that column fell victim to the general troubles affecting newspapers everywhere, but many of my Citizen articles are still online. I’ve listed some of them below.
Important note: These pieces haven’t been updated for a few years, so PLEASE read them just as general starting points and confirm that anything you have your heart set on seeing is still open (particularly in these COVID-19 times).
Please obey any regional or interprovincial travel restrictions that may be in place.
Also, be forewarned that if you’re not a Citizen subscriber, you’ll be limited to viewing 10 articles online total in any given month.
Cycling across Wolfe Island

This piece from 2015 offers tips on renting a bike in Kingston, taking the free ferry to Wolfe Island, then cycling across the windy island to a second ferry. In non-COVID times, you could take that ferry to Cape Vincent, New York.
A day in Pakenham

An historic general store, a landmark bridge, a quiet hiking trail—there’s lots to do in the Lanark County village of Pakenham.
Montreal’s Mile End

If you’ve ever heard people debate the merits of two of Montreal’s most famous bagel shops—Fairmount and St. Viateur—check out my article about those two spots and lots of other shops in the Mile End neighbourhood.
Wine and food in Prince Edward County

South of Belleville, Prince Edward County is a popular weekend spot for folks from Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal. It has it all: beaches, wineries, cute shops, great restaurants and more. (Note that “the County” may be a bit TOO popular at the minute; this summer has seen huge crowds, so you might want to plan ahead for a visit later in the year.)
Marvellous Manotick

A few of the shops mentioned in this 2015 article have closed or moved, but it does give you a sense of what a charming place Manotick is. And it’s within the Ottawa city limits!
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