Home News How can you support Ottawa Road Trips?

How can you support Ottawa Road Trips?

by Laura Byrne Paquet
Published: Updated: 4.4K views

Yes, I know the question in the headline might not be one of the questions that keeps you up at night. (If you’re like me, those more likely run along the lines of “What is the meaning of life?” and “Did I remember to send that email?”)

However, readers do occasionally ask me how they can help keep me on the road, discovering new things to see and do in Eastern Ontario, West Quebec and beyond. First of all, thank you for that question! I really appreciate the support I receive from readers; it means the world to me.

And here’s the good news, if you’d like to help keep this website going: It doesn’t have to cost you a cent.

I’ll admit that when I started Ottawa Road Trips in 2014, I had only a very limited understanding of the ways websites make money. In the years since, I’ve learned a lot. And one of the key things I’ve learned is that traffic is crucial. The more people come to the website, subscribe to my newsletter and follow my social media pages, the more I can earn from advertising and other means. And the money I earn helps put gas in my car, batteries in my camera and food on my table.

And that’s where you come in.

Ways to help at no cost to you

Here I am checking out Parc des Cèdres in Aylmer—just one of the countless activities I can try and report on thanks to support from viewers like you.

If you enjoy this website, please consider doing one or more of the following totally free things. It would help me out immensely, and it would mean I could devote even more time and resources to writing about all the cool experiences in our region.

  • Subscribe to my free weekly e-newsletter, if you don’t already. It’s packed with local travel news, as well as links to all my latest posts.
  • If you enjoy the newsletter, please forward it to friends and suggest that they subscribe, too.
  • Explore this website! At the very bottom of each post, you’ll find links to other related posts that might pique your interest. Please click on them, if something captures your attention.
  • Follow and/or like the Ottawa Road Trips page on Facebook, and like, comment on or share my Facebook posts.
  • Follow Ottawa Road Trips on Twitter, and like, comment on or retweet my Tweets.
  • Follow Ottawa Road Trips on Instagram, and interact with my posts and stories.
  • Send me ideas! If you’ve found something really cool on your own road trips, I’d love to hear about it and share it. In fact, I’m open to any and all feedback about this website. I get some of my best post ideas that way.

Ways to help at some cost to you

There are also a few things you could do to support me with cold, hard cash (which, again, I really do appreciate).

If you’ve read this far, I have to assume that you’re a fan of the site. And for that, I thank you. Building this community of keen road trippers has been one of the most satisfying things I’ve done in my writing career.

And if you don’t have the time or inclination to do any of the things I’ve mentioned, that’s totally OK!

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