Home Food and wine Help me find quiet restaurants in Ottawa and beyond

Help me find quiet restaurants in Ottawa and beyond

by Laura Byrne Paquet
Published: Updated: 4.6K views

A couple of weeks ago, I asked a question on the Ottawa Road Trips Facebook page: Did readers know of any quiet restaurants in Ottawa, Eastern Ontario and the Outaouais? 

The question came to mind because I was going out to dinner with some friends, one of whom is a bit hard of hearing. She’d asked for recommendations for a restaurant where it would be easy for us to have a conversation. To be honest, I was a bit stumped. So many restaurants have high ceilings, lots of hard surfaces and loud music.

I threw the question out to all of you and, wow, did you respond! The comments on the post above offered lots of recommendations, but I quickly realized it would take me forever to check out all of these restaurants myself. So, now, I’m asking you to help me out. (Don’t worry—the task is easy and free!)

An app called SoundPrint is designed to measure sound levels in public places, then share that information with app users. All you need to do is download the free app to your phone, then take a reading the next time you go to your favourite restaurant. Just open the app, follow the simple instructions and press a button to record.

I’ll keep checking the app periodically to pinpoint restaurants with low-decibel readings. When there’s a good number of recordings of local restaurants on SoundPrint, I’ll write a full-fledged post about them.

Thanks in advance for your help with this little project. Sometimes, when you’re a one-woman band, you get by with a little help from your friends. 😊

Cover image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay.

Looking for more tips on things to see and do in Eastern Ontario, the Outaouais, northern New York state and beyond? Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter or order a copy of my book, Ottawa Road Trips: Your Weekend Getaway Guide.

As the owner of Ottawa Road Trips, I acknowledge that I live on, work in and travel through the unceded, unsurrendered territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabeg Nation. I am grateful to have the opportunity to be present on this land. Ottawa Road Trips supports Water First, a non-profit organization that helps address water challenges in Indigenous communities in Canada through education, training and meaningful collaboration.

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